Take the Survey
As discussed during on last City Council meeting, I recently met with the new Lodger’s Tax committee to figure out the best course of action for determining the best uses of the remaining lodger’s tax funds. The committee agree to issue this survey, outlining several ideas for lodger’s tax expenditures.
We added ideas for potential uses to choose from. Some ideas are big, some of them are smaller, and some of them are right in the middle. Obviously, we cannot think of everything, so feel free to add ideas of your own. That being said, it is important to inform you that the ideas already listed in the survey have a great chance of being approved through lodger’s tax funding, despite what has negligently and previously been spread on Facebook. One example of this is Memorial Park, which was funded through lodger’s tax. It should also be noted that things like roads improvements are commonly not funded through lodger’s tax; since, these type of things are not permitted. Even though there are some obvious needs in that department, complaints regarding the roads simply do not help us here.
Please be as civil as possible. The lodger’s tax committee is completely volunteering their time to analyze this data and hopefully better our community. Quality and constructive feedback are very much appreciated.
Thank you for your time,
Mayor Barrera
Take the Survey